Сorporation S.HOLDING
land development

Warm walls

Production technology of lightweight concrete with a protective outer layer of polished marble on granules "Sigrun"

Technology of Silica granules production for production of single-layer lightweight wall reinforced concrete panels and large-size materials

SIGRAN provides the following characteristics:
- 100% ECO;
- does not change its thermal properties during operation;
- exceptional durability;
- bulk lightness of less than 170-300 kg/mZ;
- heat transfer resistance reserve coefficient is 1.13;
- heat conductivity coefficient is λB1=0,22-0.12W/(m°C);
- water absorption, % in mass - 6-19;
- concrete density - D600-D1000;
- strength - 3.2 - 14.2 /mPa;
- does not give shrinkage;
- biostability.

Due to the bulk lightness of "Sigrane" granules (less than 300 kg/mZ), which are produced by foaming technology from silica sedimentary and volcanic rocks, the weight of large-size Siblocks is 2 times less than similar reinforced concrete blocks or panels.
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