
What requirements do real estate developers have for contractors?

What requirements do real estate developers have for contractors?

As we can see, the most important criteria of contractors' work, to which developers have questions, are deadlines and quality of work. "The contractor always finds an excuse to increase the construction period. The longer you build, the higher the price. If the developer has poor control over the contractor, the quality immediately deteriorates. Something has to be redone, problems and defects appear". - says Alexey Shepel, the founder of S.Holding Corporation.

Money is not the main thing.

It would seem that if developers most often choose contractors through tenders, it means that the cost of work should be the determining condition for selection. But. applying this approach in practice. developers only multiply their sorrows.

All experts agree that the price can not be a fundamental factor. developers should approach the choice of a partner comprehensively. Alexey Shepel notes that "for large projects commercial structures choose a reliable contractor, that he had a staff of builders, that he had equipment, and it is these criteria that are expensive. Why do our Turkish contractor colleagues build the most expensive objects? Because they meet all the above criteria, and at the same time they build very expensively and reliably".
2023-10-04 16:52