
Lego construction

Lego construction

In Russia, interest in modular housing construction has increased dramatically. It has been spurred on by the new rules of the game in the housing market, the shortage of builders due to the pandemic and the capital's renovation. PIK Group is even going to become the world leader in modular house building.

Modular house-building plants are one of the most fashionable investment ideas on the Russian construction market. Such production facilities are created by developers PIK and Krost, contractors Monarch and Vybor-OBD. The volume of investments amounts to tens of billions of rubles. Modular house-building should make it possible to transfer most of the construction processes to factories, while on the construction site houses will be assembled from large elements - for example, rooms. The new approach to industrialized house building should dramatically increase the speed of construction and reduce the number of workers. Modular construction is gradually taking root in the low-rise market. Major players have not yet entered the market, but a number of interesting start-ups have appeared.

The great interest in modular construction is a global phenomenon. This market is growing in the USA, Asian countries and the UK. For example, the British authorities aim to build 75,000 modular houses a year by 2030.
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